The Process Department is committed to the development of innovative solutions for optimizing refinery and petrochemical industry production processes. The application of the treatments identified by our specialists brings a series of advantages, among which increased process yield, extended plant running cycles, energy saving and cutting maintenance costs.
We offer a wide range of chemicals from which those most suited to the plant characteristics with our high level of service and continuous monitoring allow progressively improving our service and assuring our customers’ trust and satisfaction. The team of process has more than 35 year’s field and laboratory experience to design the tailor made treatment programs to increase the system performance.
The Oilfields team comes together with specialists that focused on solving problems relating to oil production wells, transportation, and crude oil storage and on key points such as innovation, development and promoting the value of new technologies with our Customers worldwide.
Our Department using our Chemicals and technologies that aiming to solve the problems of the upstream sector, both on-shore and off-shore, also dealing with secondary recovery systems.
Flow Assurance, Scale Management, reduction of Biofouling and Corrosion are among the main targets that our experts monitoring on an everyday basis. Work at the field and in the laboratory represents the starting point for research into new, specific technologies.
Increase the plant conversion Extend the running cycle; reducing the fouling impact and improving the thermal exchange Improve the quality of the produced fuel oil.
BAMDAD BAHAR is able to offer to customers all the traditional chemicals specifically studied for petrochemical and refinery processes, such as list below:
Topping and vacuum units
Thermal cracking units
Coking units
Catalytic cracking units
Hydro cracking units
Hydrogenation units
Desulphurization units
Sour Water Stripper units
Steam cracking: Primary fractionators
Quench water and dilution steam system
Steam cracking: Charge gas compressor
Steam cracking: Caustic tower
Steam cracking: Light ends recovery
Oil field